Hi, I'm Nicolas

Welcome to my portfolio!I've always been passionate about video games, so I've decided to turn my passion into a career.In 2021, I'm going back to school to study game design. Currently a student in this exciting field, I'm training to create innovative game experiences.Determined to combine passion and profession, I'm ready to contribute to the world of video games with creativity and expertise.

QA Tester - End of study internship - 2 month

Blood Bar Tycoon

Become a vampire bar manager! Transform a shady bistro into the hottest spot in town! Lure in juicy humans to feed your true clients: the vampires of Crimson City. In the back of your establishment, build a blood brewery and refine the finest red nectar for the most discerning members of the immortals.

End of Study project - Third year - Video Game

Billion Billards

In a world where intelligent beings are balls, you take on the role of a participant in a new TV show in which you have to carry out robberies in different settings fitted out with crazy, zany elements. To navigate and get past the various obstacles, you'll have to use only your spherical body, like in a billiards/mini-golf game.

End of Year Project - 2nd year - Video Game

Trapped In the robot

End-of-year project carried out in second year. The subject is free2D game combining turn-based tactics and a deckbuilding system

Global game jam 2024 - Make Me Laugh - Boardgame

Cult of Laught

You're part of the cult of laughter, where the ultimate goal is to die... laughing. The current guru is about to die of laughter, and a replacement must be found. As an officer, you'll have to do your best One Wo·Man Show in front of the cult's followers to make them die of laughter and become the next guru.

Ludum Dare #50 - delaying the inevitable - Video Game

Willie's Blunder

Willie, a 7 year old boy, has been playing his game console all night and has hit it after losing. Seeing that it is no longer working and knowing that his father will severely scold him for this stupidity, his goal is to do everything possible to prevent his father from waking up and thus delay the inevitable.To do this, you'll need to interact with the disruptive elements in the house so that they stop making noise.

Workshop school third year - Video Game


This game was designed by students in their 3rd year of Game Design at the Brassart School (Montpellier), with the aim of creating 4 video game prototypes in 4 months.